Step 1: Registration
In order to participate in our Get Paid to Drive Program, you must fill out our Registration Form to participate. The form must be fully complete and detailed. Applications that are not complete, can not move forward in the process due to liability. There are ZERO registration fees or start-up costs!
Database Submission:
The information you submit through the registration form is automatically added to our driver database. Our driver database is secure and your information will not be shared or sold to any third-parties. Only authorized Market Your Car employees will have limited access. If you have any questions or concerns please read our Privacy Policy or send us an e-mail to for more information.
Selection Process:
When contacted by businesses seeking advertising space, our team explores our database of drivers for potential matches for each program. This portion of the process can take the longest as we only contact drivers selected for a particular program. Unfortunately, as a driver, there isn’t much you can do other than wait. We have a large list of drivers that continues to expand while waiting for key brands and businesses that require advertising within their key location. We contact those that meet locale and other criteria immediately, once we receive the go-ahead from associated businesses.
Step 2: Selection